Cristina Petreñas
Download PdfCristina Petreñas is a PhD from the University of Barcelona (2014) and a member of the consolidated research group Llengua i Educació (ref. no. 2021SGR 996). Diploma in Education from the University of Lleida (2007), Graduate in Educational Psychology (2013) from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya and Master of Research in Didactics, Training and Educational Assessment from the University of Barcelona (2010). In 2007, She obtained the Extraordinary Diploma Award from the UdL and in 2012 the Extraordinary Master's Award from the University of Barcelona for the best academic records.
She is a Lecturer Professor (Assistant Doctor) of the Department of Psychology, Sociology and Social Work, in the area of Developmental and Educational Psychology, since 2020. Her main lines of research are developed around inclusive educational support and teacher training in inclusive education, educational support in multilingual and multicultural contexts and psychoeducational factors that influence child language development in multilingual and multicultural contexts.
Department of Psychology
Faculty of Education, Psychology and Social Work
University of Lleida
Avda. Estudi General, 4
25001 Lleida – Espanya
Phone: +34 973 706 535
Fax: +34 973 706 502
Researcher ID: K-5895-2015
Orcid ID: 0000-0001-8083-2154